Look at the market Cap of #BNB , The Market Cap of $BNB is $73,650,419,6518 , for $BNB to go to as low as $200 , the market Cap has to be somewhere between $25,000,000,000 - $35,000,000,000, now do you think that over $35B would leave $BNB because of someone’s lines and ropes, called Technical Analysis? No

Do you also think you will be able to know when $35B is about to leave the market through Technical analysis? 👀👀👀

Honestly, we do not think so

now when someone is out there posting and showing you screenshots of them drawing lines and ropes on the chart, and telling you #BNB will go as low as $200 because of their lines, please do not believe them, it takes more than that and that is what we are trying to share with you

For Coins like Solana - ETH - LTC - WIF - DOGE and many others, technical Analysis can be very helpful,effective and reliable

By Today or Tomorrow, we are going to be sharing things that can make BNB go as low as $200

#BTC as low as $35,000

Stay Tuned, Follow Us for Detailed, educative, entertaining and informative Content that will help you grow
