Coin98 Analytics recently released its Layer 2 report for July. In the uncertain market conditions, we might as well analyze how to choose Layer 2 from a fundamental perspective. The report analyzes each Layer 2 from the perspective of address number, transaction volume, cash flow, total locked amount and NFT.

Judging from the number of addresses, Opmistic roll up still ranks first.

In the single address segment, Optimism maintained its lead with 155.8 million single addresses. The second place is the Base chain developed by Optimism Stacks, with 97.5 million single addresses. The third place is Arbitrum, with 35.7 million single addresses. If the Layer 2 trend cannot be seen by just looking at the total number of addresses, we can see the growth trend of single addresses in the past month. Base and Mantle were the top two new addresses in July, both increasing by 14% in a single month. Following closely behind are Linea and Scroll, which have not issued coins yet, with airdrops expected to have a 9% increase in the number of addresses in a single month. Arbitrum and Optimism, the two recognized Layer 2 heroes in the past, achieved single-month growth of 7% and 4% respectively. What is more surprising is that the Blast ecosystem, which plummeted after the issuance of the currency (as a reference, the chain's TVL pre-sponsored high of 2.3B fell to 1.179B on July 31) still grew by 8% in July. As for zk-based Layer 2 Starknet and zkSync, they are dismal at 1% and 3%. We hope that the Starknet ecosystem can come back to life after changing the CEO.

(Shut down after one month of launch? The ZKX token of the tens-million-dollar Starknet derivatives platform plummeted by more than 96%)

opBNB transaction volume has grown significantly, exceeding 200 million transactions in July

In the trading volume section, the daily trading volumes of opBNB, Base, Arbitrum and Linea remain high. The average daily trading volumes are: opBNB: 6.7M丶, Base: 3.6M丶, Arbitrum: 1.9M丶, Linea: 1M. As for the total transaction volume growth, both Base and Blast exceeded 27%. This was followed by Linea’s growth of 20%, Scroll’s growth of 19%, and opBNB’s growth of 18%. In July, opBNB saw over 209 million transactions.

In the second quarter, this number could account for nearly half of the entire quarter’s transaction volume (429 million transactions).

Analysis of Layer 2 TVL: Lending agreements, Dex, and derivatives are all used as bulk

As of July 2024, the top four Layer 2 public chains in TVL are Arbitrum 3.18B丶Base 1.71B丶Blast 1.18B丶Scroll 748M. Scroll and Mantle are the Layer 2 that have grown the most, growing by 81% to 55% in a single month. In the chart, only Blast and zkSync, which have just issued coins, show negative growth.

Part of the net inflow was zkSync, which had an inflow of 65M, and Optimism, which had an outflow of 234M.

According to Coin98 analysis, TVL on public chains such as Arbitrum, Optimism, Base and Blast all use lending agreements, Dex, and derivatives as bulk.

As for the NFT part, the average daily increase in the number of NFTs in the Base chain is 446K, and in Linea it is 400K. Presumably related to the Linea airdrop mission.

This article zk Rollup is in danger! In terms of data, the Opmistic series is completely crushed! First appeared in Chain News ABMedia.