In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a man claimed that his wife was cheated into spending nearly 2 million yuan in a KTV, spent more than 1 million yuan on singing and drinking, and transferred 600,000 yuan to two men.

According to the man, Mr. Cao, he usually does business outside the city and his wife is in charge of the family's money. He never noticed it until he was in urgent need of money and asked his wife to get him some. As a result, he found that all the money in the house was gone.

At first, his wife kept hesitating and refused to say anything, but after his repeated questioning, she finally told the truth.

It turned out that in December 2023, Mr. Cao’s wife went to the local Royal Celebrity KTV at the introduction of a friend. At first, Mr. Cao’s wife just wanted to sing and drink some wine to entertain herself. As a result, she accidentally learned that there were "male models" in the KTV, so driven by curiosity, she made an impulse purchase.

Under the sweet words of the male model, Mr. Cao's wife soon became addicted and couldn't extricate herself. After that, she and her friends became regular customers of this KTV. They became more and more generous and ordered wine worth tens of thousands of yuan a bottle at will.

During this period, she also added two male models she liked, and they called each other "baby" and "beloved" on WeChat. In order to help the two of them boost their sales, Mr. Cao's wife often transferred thousands of yuan, with the highest amount being 80,000 yuan in one day.

After several months of lavish spending, Mr. Cao's wife had squandered all the money in the family. Only then did she realize the seriousness of the matter. She had originally planned to keep it a secret, but this year her husband suddenly asked her for money, so she had to confess.

Faced with his wife's wasteful behavior, Mr. Cao was naturally very angry when he learned about it, but there was no point in getting angry since the thing had already happened. Now he just hopes that KTV can return the money.

In Mr. Cao's opinion, his wife was deceived by the KTV's consumption, and a lot of money was spent in unclear circumstances. He also pointed out that the KTV involved engaged in illegal activities such as paid companionship.

Mr. Cao’s wife also said that she was PUA-ed by the KTV male model and spent all her money without knowing it. The other party kept inducing her to spend.

Afterwards, the reporter also found the person in charge of the KTV involved to understand the situation. The other party said on the phone that our store is a formal business, and as for the matter between Mr. Cao’s wife and the male model, they are not very clear.

However, as far as he knows, Mr. Cao and his wife and one of the male models had already gone to the police station for mediation, and the other party returned 100,000 yuan. Both parties have signed the mediation agreement, but he did not expect them to come back later.

If the KTV has clearly marked prices and complete qualifications, it would be almost impossible for Mr. Cao to ask the KTV to refund his money. As for the transfer of money from Mr. Cao's wife to the male model, the court also needs to determine the nature of the transfer. If it is a loan relationship, then Mr. Cao naturally has the right to ask for it back, but if it is a voluntary gift, then he can only blame himself for his bad luck.

At present, the situation is not favorable for Mr. Cao. On the one hand, he does not have a complete consumption record of his wife at the KTV and cannot determine whether the KTV has charged illegal fees. On the other hand, he and the male model have already signed a settlement agreement. If he goes back on his word and asks for money now, the court may not support him.

To be honest, Mr. Cao's wife is the person who is most responsible for this matter. As an adult, she should pay for her actions. You have no ability, why pretend to be a rich man? Do you think you are a big shot in the cryptocurrency circle and you still keep a male model? Don't think about blackmailing people. It's better to take the 100,000 yuan returned to you and look for opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle. The chances of winning the lawsuit are greater than that.

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