Market review: Yesterday, a big positive line rebounded from around 54,700 to around 62,700, up 8,000 points. It has now fallen back after hitting the 4-hour Vegas channel slow track. As of press time, the closing price of BTC is 60,988.

The video viewpoints of the past two days suggest that short trading is the main one. The reason is very simple. First of all, the force and speed of the decline from 7w to 49000 is very strong, and there is no pullback in the middle. Therefore, the intraday trading opportunity we need to make is to do it when the pullback of this decline ends, and see if we can chase this downward trend. Therefore, two positions are also suggested in the intraday video. One is around the 4-hour EMA55+key area+the starting and falling point of 59000 when the volume declines, with a stop loss of 900 points. Unfortunately, I saw that the loss had already occurred when I got up early. But the logic and reason are not wrong, because this is the first hurdle, and there are indeed a lot of bearish resonances. I often say that trading is a game of probability. We just objectively observe the perspectives with higher probabilities (at that time, there was moving average suppression, trend line suppression, bearish wedge end, key area suppression, large volume starting and falling points, Fibonacci 0.5 position, etc.). It’s just that I couldn’t watch the market at that time, and I couldn’t better grasp the opportunity to enter (entry K line, reversal of gold K, price behavior, etc.). So I often say that try not to make orders on your mobile phone outside, which will affect your judgment. At the same time, you must not stare at the big positive line to short. If you can watch the market carefully and see that it has strongly broken through the area around 59,000 and has not been quickly recovered, you may be able to avoid the loss of this order. This is also worthy of our review and reflection.

(It can be seen that details really determine the success or failure of a transaction)

As for the current market, I still maintain my view at the beginning of the month (63500 is the dividing line between long and short)

The reason for going long when it stabilizes above 63500 is the same as the reason for going short when it rebounds below 63500. And it just fills the futures gap. The factors that were supporting before have become suppression again when it reaches here. (Let's count them carefully, after the death cross of EMA21 and EMA55 on the daily line, suppression after the pullback of 55, key areas tested many times, the slow track of the Vegas channel for 4 hours, around Fibonacci 0.618, and other "feeling the pulse" analysis similar to the recent trend) So before the successful breakthrough, I will still establish a short order around this area.

(Wait for entry signals around 62800-63100, 7-800 points of defense is enough, T1 stop profit sees 59000, and then push down step by step, the profit and loss ratio is very good)

The same thinking and the same operating logic can make the same efficient system. Previously, the 4-hour EMA21 dead cross came down, and now it has successfully broken through the EMA21 EMA55, and the area around 59,000 that resonated with the previous bearish trend. If the price falls back to 59,000, it is also a potential golden cross (as shown in the figure, a bold assumption), and it is also an opportunity to go long in line with the short-term moving average.

(Look for entry signals around 59600-59200, 5-600 points of defense is enough, T1 looks at 63000, and then push up step by step)

For ETH BNB SOL views, please watch today's daily video. There is a detailed introduction of ideas.

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The content of the program is personally shared and does not constitute any investment advice.