Hello my friends, how are you? We have witnessed difficult days after the catastrophic market decline. Regardless of the reasons, it was surprising that it happened. We see this violent decline, especially since this is the Bitcoin split season. Looking at previous years, there were positive results after each split, which did not happen. There were also positive signs that the currency market would improve before we saw this sudden decline.

#predict $BTC

My friends, I have always defended cryptocurrencies as the future and that the secret to their strength is that they are not affiliated with any party or linked to any economy. But what happened in the past few days has prompted many to doubt the future of cryptocurrencies and search for a safe haven for investment and ensuring financial stability.

But my friends, from my point of view and looking at history, any rise is preceded by a fall, and if you want to build, you must first demolish. You must also understand that the world of cryptocurrencies is a modern world in its infancy. It is natural to see all this resistance and competition. The explosion is coming inevitably, and I expect that 2025 will be the year of the beginning of making profits initially, and what is coming is more than that. My friends, be patient and strengthen your presence in the world of cryptocurrencies and choose well.
