Golden Finance reported that the Montenegrin Supreme Court has suspended the extradition process of Do Kwon to South Korea. The decision was made after the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office appealed the legality of the previous court decision approving his extradition. The suspension will put the extradition process at a standstill while the Supreme Court reviews the case. The extradition case involves multiple legal inconsistencies, and the court has previously made multiple rulings on Do Kwon's extradition to the United States and South Korea. Do Kwon was accused of masterminding a $40 billion fraud through Luna and Terra cryptocurrencies and was arrested in March 2023 and has been awaiting extradition since then. Do Kwon's lawyer criticized the handling of the case, pointing out the existence of multiple judicial decisions and emphasizing that the consistent legal reasoning of the Court of Appeal is a positive exception. The case has attracted much attention for its legal complexity and political impact in Montenegro.