🌍Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele deeply analyzes the US monetary system

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele made a profound analysis of the US government and system in a short speech video of less than 2 minutes.

He pointed out that although the American people pay a lot of taxes and generally believe that these taxes are used to support the operation of the government, in fact, the real source of funds for the government is US Treasury bonds, and it is the Federal Reserve that buys these bonds.

Where does the Federal Reserve get its money from? The Federal Reserve buys Treasury bonds by printing money, but the actual situation is that the United States can issue unlimited currency!

Bukele emphasized that the US Treasury bonds and the entire country's operating system are actually just a fragile structure built on "paper" and lack the support of substantial assets.

Therefore, if the United States does not face up to and solve this problem, he predicts that the Western paper currency system and culture may completely collapse and disintegrate in the next 50 to 100 years.

Bukele's speech was clear and thorough! But it is very regrettable that there is a lack of such outspoken politicians in the American political circle. Even if there are such people, they may not be elected president in the United States.

At the same time, Bukele also emphasized that solving this problem is not easy, and it requires us to go through a challenging period of transformation. In this process, some difficult decisions must be made, which may cause short-term shocks and pain to the existing system.

However, only through such a process can the damaged system have the opportunity to be fundamentally repaired and eventually move towards a healthy path of sustainable development.

#美国货币体系 #NayibBukele #经济危机