1. Price Movement:

The current price of REQ is approximately 0.0904 USDT.

Over the displayed timeframe, the price has experienced volatility but is currently near its starting point.

2. Indicators:

Moving Averages (MA): The chart includes EMA12 (Exponential Moving Average over 12 periods) and EMA26.

Relative Strength Index (RSI):The RSI suggests that REQ is neither overbought nor oversold, staying around the middle range.

MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): Observe the MACD line and signal line for potential crossovers.

3. Support and Resistance:

Look for key levels where the price has historically reversed (support or resistance).

Identify areas where the price tends to consolidate or break out.

4. Volume:

Pay attention to volume bars. High volume during price movements can indicate strong trends.

5. News and Events:

Keep an eye on any upcoming news related to REQ or broader market trends.

Remember that technical analysis is just one aspect of trading. Always consider fundamental factors and risk management strategies. If you have specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 🚀📈#REQ👈 #Write2Earn! #VipSignalsfree