🚨💥🛑Toncoin (TON) has been listed on Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange, marking a significant milestone for the token.

$TON 🌏⤴️🪙

TON's price has surged, surpassing 6.2 USDT and currently trading at 6.21 USDT, representing a daily increase of over 14%. This listing allows users to trade TON against four currencies: Bitcoin, Tether, First Digital USD, and Turkish Lira.

The listing on Binance exposes TON to a vast user base, potentially leading to increased liquidity, trading volume, and mainstream adoption. Deposits for TON are already open, while withdrawals will be available starting August 9, 2024.

This development is a positive sign for TON's ecosystem, indicating growing recognition and support from the crypto community. The price surge reflects investor enthusiasm and confidence in TON's potential. As TON continues to gain traction, it may attract more attention from investors, developers, and users, further solidifying its position in the cryptocurrency market.