#TIA💰智能多空策略 TIA Today's market analysis shows that purple dots have appeared on the 1-hour chart, which indicates a short buy signal, and the signal has been firmly closed, indicating that the market will continue its downward trend.

Therefore, near the red dot, it is an ideal time to arrange short orders.

Our target price is set near the range of 4.5083 to 4.3987.

At the same time, in order to effectively control risks, it is recommended to set the stop loss near the previous high of 4.8010 before entering the market to ensure that the stop loss can be stopped in time under unfavorable market conditions to protect the safety of funds.

It is worth noting that the current market on the large-scale 4-hour chart is also dominated by the short side, which is consistent with our short-term analysis direction.

However, investors are reminded that there are risks in contract trading. When formulating a trading plan, you need to consider carefully and allocate funds reasonably to avoid blindly following the trend or over-trading. #TIA空投 #TIA.每日智能策略 #MarketDownturn #Ronin跨链桥安全漏洞 $TIA $BTC $ETH