$DOGE by 2030?

Based on Changelly's prediction, you will need 641,025.64 tokens, which is around $57,692.3 today. For Telegaon's prediction, you will need 246,305.41 tokens, which is around $22,167.48.

Obviously, investing just $1000 may not get you there.

Significant additional investment will be required. However, with potential developments likeDOGEWith the inclusion of X as a payment feature, the adoption and price of this coin may skyrocket sooner than expected.

Elon Musk also hinted that when he buys a Tesla, he will receive doge as payment.

Many factors will push this coin to increase in price in the near future.

pay attention to it👀

#MarketDownturn #DogecoinCommunity #doge⚡ #BinanceHODLerBANANA