What is the purpose of the banker's wash-out? Is it to cut off the chips of retail investors? There is a common misunderstanding in the market, that is, the banker's wash-out behavior is simply attributed to the plunder of chips in the hands of retail investors. This statement is not comprehensive. 1. The real purpose of the wash-out: In fact, the motivation of the banker to wash the market is far more than that. One of its core purposes is to effectively reduce the selling pressure in the subsequent stock price rise stage, so as to control and reduce the overall operating costs. 2. The banker's strategic considerations: From the perspective of the banker, they tend to avoid directly absorbing chips at high levels because this will increase costs. On the contrary, they prefer to adopt a strategy of "pulling and withdrawing at the same time", and the wash-out is the key step to achieve this strategy. 3. The dual effect of the wash-out: The process of the wash-out actually has a dual effect. On the one hand, it induces some undetermined investors to sell by creating market panic, which is the so-called "scaring out panic". On the other hand, it also attracts investors who have a deep understanding of the value of assets and are firmly optimistic about them to enter the market to a certain extent, forming the so-called "follow-up disk".

4. The uniqueness of the follow-up disk:

, the follow-up disk here is different from the traditional followers. They are investors who bravely enter the market during the market decline and wash-out process. They are based on a deep understanding and confidence in the prospects of assets, rather than just chasing short-term gains. On the contrary, those short-term chips that chase highs and only seek short-term benefits are exactly the objects that need to be cleared during the wash-out process

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