In the evening, @lookonchain reported a monitoring message about the suspected transfer of 789,533 ETH from the address involved in the #PlusToken case, and also gave the specific address where the ETH was transferred.

Report the transaction records of ETH transferred from the address involved in the case

We used the on-chain tracing tool @ArkhamIntel to track and found that the address where ETH was transferred today was basically more than 5 layers away from the large address of PlusToken at that time. There were multiple layers of address transfers, and it is very likely that the ETH involved was sold through offline OTC transactions.

This can be verified by reviewing the legal documents related to the case. The documents clearly state that the defendant involved in the case has applied to the public security department to entrust a company to sell and cash in the digital currency involved in accordance with the law.

In summary, @Lookonchain reported that the#PlusToken ETH transfer involved in the case is indeed true, but from the original address involved in the case to today's transfer address, it has been transferred to many addresses and separated by many layers. The legal documents involved in the case also clearly have been sold for cash. Reporting the transfer at this time will bring everyone a panic similar to the large-scale sales by the US and German governments. $BTC $ETH #PlusTokenç›žć…łé’±ćŒ…èœŹç§»ETH