There are three realms of cryptocurrency trading.

Realm 1: Last night, the west wind withered the green trees. I climbed the high building alone and looked at the end of the world.

It means that when we are just starting to learn, we see others making a lot of money. We also want to have it, but because we don’t understand the basic knowledge, we can only hear some news from the outside world. We don’t know whether it is good or bad. Instead, others will help you. You feel so magical, but when you operate it yourself, you lose everything. When the editor-in-chief just entered the cryptocurrency circle, someone else helped me make 700,000 yuan by doing contracts, but I had no experience, and I didn’t review the market. I just wanted to take shortcuts. In the end, I fell badly and it hurt.

Realm 2: I will never regret my clothes getting looser, and I will be exhausted for her.

It is when we finish the first stage and leave ourselves a heavy blow. Only then will we learn basic industry knowledge and grow gradually through trial and error. During this period, we can’t say that we make money. We can only say that we gradually build our own trading logic and a complete set of ideas, and conduct repeated trial and error. This is just a transition period. You can judge the market direction clearly when you grow up. You can judge the accuracy of the market with 70% probability by thinking independently.

Level 3: People always scold him a thousand times. Looking back, he is in the dim light

This is after years of accumulation. At that time, we have reached a certain height. We will often find some friends in the same industry to talk and laugh. At this time, we are not the newbies at the beginning. On the contrary, we have gone from nothing to something. At this time, money is just a number to us.

Speaking of this, no matter whether you are a novice or a newbie, you must go through such a process. If you don’t go through it, you will never grow up. Since you have chosen this industry, you should do this thing well. When you are in the trough, don’t rub other people’s umbrellas. It’s better to be a big tree than a vine.

Review the last issue

The order given by Bitcoin very early on was to fall back to 50,000

ordi around 20 ens around 15

eth 2200 pendle 2 Sol 120

Currently Bitcoin is looking at 5.85 and Ethereum is looking at 2800

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