400 thousand Bitcoins moved to 'holder' addresses: "Something is happening behind the scenes"

Stating that 400 thousand BTC has been moved to "permanent holder" addresses, CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju wrote, "I am pretty sure that something is going on behind the scenes."

In these days, when price changes in Bitcoin are very hard, wallet movements are also under the spotlight. Ki Young Ju, CEO of CryptoQuant, a platform that monitors wallet transactions and blockchain data, drew attention to significant mobility.

He wrote that 404 thousand 448 BTC has been moved to "permanent holder" addresses in the last 30 days by saying, "I am pretty sure something is happening behind the scenes." CryptoQuant CEO continued,

"This is a clear accumulation movement. We will find out what happened in a year.” used the phrases.

Source: CryptoQuant

Ki, who also shared his prediction, added:

“Within a year, TradFi institutions, companies or governments will announce that they bought Bitcoin in the third quarter of 2024. And individual investors, the sale of the German government, Mt. Gox or whatever macroeconomic nonsense they have, they will regret not buying it from him.”

The term “permanent holder” refers to individuals or entities that have the intention of holding a cryptocurrency for a long time. #Bitcoin #BitcoinHolder $BTC