Cat and dog feeding service as a sideline

Big profits depend on luck, small profits depend on ideas. Today I will share with you a sideline of cat and dog feeding service, which is suitable for all those who have spare time.

This is an emerging industry. Every time I go out to travel, it costs hundreds of dollars to feed the cats left in the pet store. There is no other way, otherwise no one will feed them.

Now it has a door-to-door feeding service for cats and dogs. You can register for this special app. It takes less than 20 minutes each time, and it costs about 60 to 80 yuan. The key is that it is easy. It is not as fast as robbing money. The work content is to put cat food and walk the dog. If you are lucky, you can also mix into the owner group, so that you can contract the entire project, which is extremely rich.