Good evening everyone, I address with all due respect to every human being and of all nationalities where you are reading this publication, it is useful for me to give and provide very useful information, in given circumstances in which the market is there is no notorious direction without evidence or trend, it is logical that many of you question my word, each one analyzes and with the support of the TrandingView tools, we make a supposed rational logic and say the market is bullish or bearish, But we go through enough of the great market manipulations, 1#Las News is the greatest influence to encourage the market towards a notorious direction in which many are trapped by not knowing its power, I do not say it based on a specific region but on the whole world since the news controls emotions or takes over them which in a chain reaction any market collapses. 2#Las best tool for whales to influence the market is the news and win over the rest of the rest, having the market confused is a devotion for them since neither you nor I will know where it is going. 3#Al We in our desperation look for a solution in which there is where probably instead of taking a little more air we end up becoming addicted, By doing or thinking for someone else's head, Let's be realistic in these markets few eat and many do not!
A point of view to my knowledge the #Bitcoin It will go up (Be careful) is my analysis is not investment advice. #MarketDownturn