An article appeared online [$SOL may have a big problem, 90U is not the bottom, don’t buy the bottom!!!]

There are two main points in this article:

1.Solana lost $1.8 billion in the first half of the year alone, and the losses are accelerating

2. Solana has unlimited additional issuance, with 161 million additional issuances in three years, and institutions are cashing out crazily

It seems that data are cited, but I believe that most of my friends will not look up the data or think about this issue.

1. Regarding the first question, the so-called losses are only the fees paid to the verification nodes and the fees for users to stake SOL.

In order to maintain the operation of the network, isn’t it natural that ETH pays fees to ETH validators and BTC pays fees to miners? Moreover, SOL is PoS like ETH and will pay interest to stakers.

If based on the SOL standard, the interest is only related to the pledge amount and interest rate.

The cleverness of the article lies in the conversion of interest into Usd. Think about it, with the same pledge amount and the same interest rate, if SOL increases from 40U to 160U, does the interest payment have to be 4 times the original amount if calculated based on U? When SOL increases to 320U in the future, does the interest payment have to double again if calculated based on U? In this way, can we conclude that "the loss is still increasing"?

Giving you this conclusion is either stupid or bad, and I suggest you unfollow me.

2. Regarding unlimited issuance, charts are also cited.

Please look at the chart. It says Circulating Supply. The circulation of Sol is increasing, which means that as the coins are gradually unlocked, the price of the coin is increasing, which really benefits all participants. The real garbage in the market is Arb, Op, okay? The circulation is increasing, and the price of the coin is falling. All those who buy these coins are buyers, not beneficiaries.

Additionally, 80% of Sol coins are already in circulation.

Sol has always been a currency that I hold heavily, and the rise and fall of Sol is normal.

It is really unbearable to see such rubbish articles being used to maliciously short sell, causing holders who are unaware of the truth to flee in panic and cause losses.