The dream of getting rich overnight and the nightmare of liquidation, a true portrayal of the cryptocurrency circle on August 5! A billion liquidations overnight! The current market is like a wild horse running wild, resembling the crazy scene of 2018!

A large number of newbies rushed into the market like moths to a flame, dreaming of getting rich overnight.

They bought blindly, thinking that the price would rise indefinitely, but ended up with the nightmare of a sharp drop. In just a few days, they couldn't stand the loss and left the market at a loss. What's worse, they changed to other coins, but the coins they bought fell again, as if they were cursed.

Btc continued to fall, and at this time, a wave of rebound appeared.

The "big guys" on major platforms and groups shouted: "Hurry up and get on the bus, it's about to soar! The target is 100,000!!!

" Your heartbeat accelerated, and you all in without hesitation, and even added contract leverage. However, just one day after you bought it, the big cake began to fall again.

The "big guy" explained in the group that this was the impact of the Mentougou incident.

Listening to the instructions of the "big guys", you lose money month by month, start to doubt your life, and curse that they are all scammers.

You are discouraged and decide to quit the cryptocurrency circle. After a while, you can't help it again, and this time you decide to rely on yourself.

In order to recover the previous losses, you don't hesitate to take out loans, cash out credit cards, borrow money from relatives and friends, and even take out your wife's capital, plus low leverage, and go all in. Fortunately, you bet right this time, not only recovered your capital, but also earned back the money you lost before.

However, you become arrogant and think you are right. You don't choose to stop, but continue to expand your profits, firmly believing that Bitcoin can reach 150,000! You are obsessed with watching K-lines every day, and even can't sleep at night.

Finally, one day you can't stand it anymore and fall asleep. However, in the middle of the night, the phone reminder sound keeps ringing. It turns out that the big cake is plummeting and you are about to burst.

Before you enter the exchange, the bursting text message hits like a nightmare.

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