Hello Family,

Who doesn't love passive income.

Today i bring to you a great opportunity to earn passive imcome just by staking your #lista token

More than 22M $LISTA tokens are already staked and users are enjoying profits.

How to stake:

1) Login to your binance Web3 wallet.

2) click on discover option on the bottom right.

3) click on Dapps tab on the top of the page.

4) search for $LISTA app

5) open he Lista app and login woth uypur binance web3 wallet

6) Click on the dropdrown bottom on he top right corner

7) Click on lock & DAO option

8) Stake you $LISTA and enjoy profits.

just a heads up: you earn more when you lick you lista or a longer period of time. max time is 52 weeks.

Bonus point: you also get access to the voting rights once you lock your lista and get velista for the governance.

Happy earning!

#PassiveIncome. #weeklyreward #Profitfirst