There are two major illusions in the cryptocurrency world: it is easy to make money in the cryptocurrency world, and you can get rich overnight by adding leverage and opening contracts

It is not easy to make money in the cryptocurrency world

It is difficult to make money in any financial market

It is just that the cryptocurrency world has been in a rising development cycle for a long time, so you think it is easy to make money in the cryptocurrency world, but in fact, the risks and uncertainties behind it are far greater than you leeks imagine

Every day, people have their positions blown up, and the amount of their positions blown up every day exceeds 100 million US dollars

It is easy to lose money when opening contracts

Contract leverage trading seems to be a shortcut to getting rich overnight, but it is actually a high-risk gambling game

Many people are attracted by the so-called high leverage, and eventually their positions are blown up, returning to the pre-liberation era overnight

Contracts are said to be a double-edged sword, but basically they kill themselves, so don't play contracts