The rosy dreams in the cryptocurrency world are the work of those who draw rosy dreams with what happened..

with the decline that came yesterday

👉👉 The amount liquidated in futures transactions in the last 24 hours exceeded 1 billion dollars.

👉👉‱ 85% of these (902 million dollars) are long positions.

👉👉‱ A total of 277,253 investors became liq.

I understand that a person hangs himself by his own feet. But the same words are still in the mouth of the phenomenal analysts who leave no ash in the barbecue. "I was wrong, I apologize"... I have torn myself apart for days since 69k that a $ 20,000 decrease will come. Many of them insulted the gold. I guess life has slapped them in the face with the bitter truth.

NOTE: I am open to criticism but I do not accept insults. I will make the man eat it. 😉 $BTC $ETH $SOL #doge #pepe #shiba #pepe #people