On Monday, global panic caused the market to bottom out and rebound. Asia-Pacific and European stock markets plummeted, the currency market plummeted, the US dollar fell, and even the safe-haven gold suffered a heavy blow. In the evening, the US stock market plummeted and quickly rose after opening, and the panic gradually subsided.

Ethereum panicked at the beginning of the currency market, and after hitting the bottom, Bitcoin also panicked and then bottomed out. Then, the altcoin dived for the third time, hitting a new low. It was not until the opening of the US stock market that the market pulled up from the low.

I used to buy and sell all positions at once, but later I found that this method was not ideal, and sometimes I missed the bottom or the top. This year I adopted a strategy of bottom-fishing in batches, which is more stable, but it may not work as expected in extreme panic markets. When the world panicked yesterday, I didn't dare to enter the market rashly because of the increased opportunities for bottom-fishing, fearing that a greater panic would come. As a result, the market did not fall further. The market does not fall when you are worried and afraid, but when you are confident, it may fall unexpectedly.

After the panic sell-off yesterday, August 5, the market rebounded sharply, and some currencies even fully recovered their losses. SATS performed particularly strongly, rising sharply after the big drop, and currencies such as TIA and AKRM also rebounded strongly.