🐳 Just kidding... I said I bought in, then cashed out, then yesterday I said I bought in but you guys didn't believe me... if you post a picture of a loss, you say you stole the picture and photoshopped it😞

I update the entry and exit points, I also update the entry, I clearly state when I sell, when I collect. But there are still some young people who say I'm kidding :)))

I challenge anyone to find out who posted that picture of a loss other than me... and I haven't seen anyone photoshop a picture of a loss to lure chickens and show off

There, if you look at the picture, you can clearly see my SPOT, my entry and exit points, and whether they match the posts I posted. In addition, I bought "Automatic Investment" and have been buying altcoins continuously since June, so my position is also quite good. I share everything, I don't hide anything.

I'm a stupid trader and I still show off. Remember, I didn't eat anything from you guys, so don't touch anything. Be happy, everyone loses :)))