Odaily Planet Daily News ether.fi published a post on X stating that during the recent market turmoil, the team coordinated with Chaos Labs and other major protocol partners to monitor the status of the weETH/eETH market, and has designed multiple native systems and processes for the protocol to prepare for such events: 1. The primary market continues to operate normally, limiting the extent to which its price continues to fall, and the ether.fi withdrawal function helps the price continue to return to a fair exchange rate; 2. The highest number of withdrawal requests occurred today. The protocol continues to operate as usual, providing ample liquidity reserves for these withdrawals; 3. There are 73,000 ETH in the main liquidity reserve, 27,000 ETH in the exiting validators (available in the next few days), and 59,000 ETH in the development contract if immediate conversion is required. In total, there are currently 124,000 ETH available for withdrawal, as well as 46,000 ETH available in the secondary market (DEX liquidity); 4. Regarding key protocol integration, multiple protocols have already used exchange rate feeds in oracle design. This means that price fluctuations like those in the past few days will not lead to large-scale liquidations and further forced selling; 5. The day's capital inflow exceeded 12,000 ETH, and the utilization rate of weETH in the DeFi protocol remained above 73%.