[In the past 24 hours, 181,968 old friends have returned to zero, and 7 billion CNY has been wiped out! The surge and plunge are so cool! ]

2024.8.5 9:03 am BTC market analysis

Last night's prediction was directly grasped, brothers, last night 21:30 issued a large volume signal, before 1:00 in the first half of the night, oversold and reverse demand, 52800/51650 given in the early morning are normal retracements, closing at these points are normal stabilization, closing at 54100 is even stronger!

Whether it is strong or not depends on the result, BTC is directly 56200 at this moment, around 8:00 in the morning or the "peeing market" easily took 2000 dollars + space!

Last night's TNSR tells you where you can definitely enter the retracement, accurately step on the entry position in the early morning, and hit the first stop profit position when you wake up. You can say it's six or six! You can check the dynamics for the specific points yourself!

BTC attention

Support 54100/52800/51650

Pressure is tentatively set at 57300

The strong short-term rebound of BTC at this moment is basically within expectations. One point that was repeatedly emphasized yesterday was that a sharp drop, a sharp drop, and an oversold price must have a rebound! Yesterday's live broadcast said that the spot can be entered at will, and the BTC/TNSR in the evening is now all taken!

Today's idea is to wait for the intraday retracement. The ultra-short-term sentiment has been temporarily reversed. Today, the intraday long position will be far greater than the short position!

#BTC走势分析 $BTC