🚨The world is going to hell😱😱😱....

and we are "broadcasting it live" here on the blockchain...

The Japanese stock market went to hell this morning, taking both the Taiwanese and South Korean markets with it. Some people didn't even know that Taiwan had a stock market.

The American stock market just opened, and it's all blood and tears. I guess Warren Buffet knew something when he sold half of his Apple holdings back a few days ago. Bitcoin took a hit as well.

I mean, what would you expect from it... The decoupling we were waiting for isn't going to come any time soon. The lowest low thus far has been $49,000, and we don't know yet if this was the bottom before the massive reversal or if there's more blood to come. The FED is scheduled to have an emergency meeting, and I guess they had to somehow realize they broke something by keeping interest rates so high for so long.

The whole drama (market bleeding combined with war tensions) reminds of 2020. I have pretty much the same sentiment today as I did back in 2020 when the lockdowns were announced, and the markets went to hell. Bitcoin went from $8,000 to $4,000 in just a few days, and before the end of that year, it reached as high as $18,000.

Regardless of what caused the dip in price, there always exists a chance for a recovery, especially in the crypto space.

The dip time is usually the best time to buy. Maybe the coin is just pulling the strings and you know…as the saying goes, ' " it always shines after the dark" . So, if it’s dip time, then it is buying time.🔥🚀 DONT GIVE UP FRIENDS 💥✅
