United States Factory Orders m/m

The Factory Orders m/m indicator shows changes in the volume of orders for durable and non-durable goods received by US companies in the given month compared to the previous one.All new orders for manufactured goods are included in calculation. Here, an order is a message of intention to purchase goods with immediate of future delivery. The statistics only includes orders confirmed by mandatory legal documents (contracts, letters, checks, etc.). Canceled orders are not included in the report.Data for processing are obtained from the survey of industrial companies with monthly deliveries of $500 million and more. However, in order to increase the representativeness of the sample, the survey also includes carefully selected smaller enterprises.The indicator is included in the so called M3 report which characterizes the activity in the US industrial sector. In addition to the number of orders, it takes into account the amount of stocks shipment of goods. M3 is used for short-term predictions of production activity.Growth in the number of orders is an indirect characteristic of consumer demand for manufactured goods. It allows forecasting an increase in production activity in the near future. This may affect dollar quotes positively.

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