VIX Volatility (fear) index has now exceeded 42.

The VIX index measures volatility in the market and is known as the fear index. Therefore, rising VIX is not good for financial markets. The last time it rose this much was in 2020.

In addition, as financial markets are in trouble, the FED is expected to reduce interest rates at the next meeting as a savior.

While the probability of a rate cut was 11% last week, it rose to 75% yesterday and rose to 95% today.

It seems like the interest rate cut expectation is not enough to save the markets right now because there are still 44 days until the next meeting. Therefore, it would be better if a statement was made by the FED before the meeting.

On the crypto side, we can say that the decline has stopped as long as $48k is maintained, but extra confirmations must be followed to safely say that the market has returned.

As extra confirmation, scenarios such as VIX falling again and S&P and Nikkei sides recovering simultaneously can be followed.

Due to war and recession expectations, data change rapidly and need to be followed closely. Friends, I will help you as much as I can by constantly providing instant information during this process.