It's been a long time since I've seen the liquidation of long shorts exceed the 1 billion USD mark so quickly 🥶🥶

According to statistics in just the past 24 hours, about 1.07 billion USD was wiped out due to Bitcoin fluctuations, including 909 million USD in LONG orders (accounting for 84%) and 162 million USD in SHORT orders (accounting for 16%).

🤔If you wonder why Bitcoin price dumps continuously, but not only LONG players, but also SHORT players leaving, there are 2 reasons as follows:

👉FIRST: Although on the large frame 1D, 1W Bitcoin dumps strongly, but in small frames such as 15p, 1H, there are still 5 - 7% recovery waves. Therefore, those who are chasing shorts with large leverage will have their orders burned in those waves!

👉SECOND: In some statistical platforms, the value of liquidated SHORT orders may include orders actively closed by users. To put it simply, when you are satisfied with the profit of a certain SHORT order, you close the order to take profit, the related capital is also included in the liquidation SHORT value.


Some people commented asking me if BTC will go down again??? I think this is the million dollar question, and even the shark and the creator (MM) themselves are not 100% sure of the answer.

💥Because of the pricing rules, they will push until as many leveraged orders as possible are liquidated. Those who still have USDT do not dare to catch the bottom of the spot. Those who hold the goods will sell them off to cut losses. At that time, MM continued to collect goods and push up prices.

👉 This is also the reason why 1 billion USD being liquidated is a nightmare for LONG SHORT, but it is very good news for HOLDER.

If you are looking at any altcoins for DCA, please comment below and let me know. Who knows, maybe you will discover more genuine gems with the potential for XXX accounts when the market comes back! 💪