TRON has become the title sponsor of WebX 2024.

WebX 2024 is planned and operated by CoinPost, Japan's largest Web3 media, and will be held in Tokyo from August 28 to August 29. As Asia's leading Web3 conference, WebX 2024 will bring together many professionals related to crypto assets, blockchain, and other Web3 technologies.

Japan is one of the important crypto markets in Asia, and TRON has always paid attention to and attached importance to its development in this market. In fact, in July last year, TRON participated in WebX 2023, and TRON founder Justin Sun was also invited to attend the venue and delivered an important speech.

In addition to extensive participation in industry summits, TRON officially became an associate member of the Japan Crypto Asset Association (JCBA) last year, and TRX has also been listed on multiple Japanese exchanges such as DMM Bitcoin, Zaif, and Binance Japan. With a series of "combination punches", TRON has accelerated its reach to more users, and its influence in the Japanese market is also continuing to rise.

WebX 2024 official website: