#抄底 Don't buy the bottom when the market drops sharply. Although you can see the contract data, basically the long positions have been liquidated. Many people have already bought the bottom. Now those who buy the bottom have very high leverage. It's okay if you make a little money and run away. Did you really listen to them saying that they got 60,000? My advice is that you must be sober. I used to buy the bottom when the market dropped sharply and made a lot of money. If you make a lot of money, you will be greedy, because you always sell at a high price and want to keep up. Then you will be liquidated in one wave. This downward trend has not yet ended. Buy the bottom and eat a wave and then short it. It's not okay, because it will rise unilaterally at any time. Didn't Liang Xi short first and then buy the bottom to rise a little more before shorting? He made 30 million in a short trend, and then lost all the money in a big rise in the dog market! Unilateral market, shock market and extreme market are repeated. Remember that the bigger the drop, the faster you should run! (゚Д゚;)💨