My personal opinion on the future of Bitcoin Prediction


BTC will become a container for evaporating US dollars, and the key point--unilateral market no longer exists--

Only the back-and-forth V-shaped reversal back and forth harvesting will make those with money willing to accept the loss.

Become a tool for recovering US dollar liquidity

Since the United States has clearly endorsed $BTC, it will lead BTC to the path of casino chips because the government can manipulate prices.

BTC is decentralized, but once it interacts with other centralized businesses, it has a ledger, and the US government must have this data.

Now the official guidance of hot money into the BTC market has become a business of the Ministry of Finance.

Cause: To fight against the known recession next year.

Prevent 300 trillion over-issued US dollar liquidity from destroying commodity prices and causing inflation

Previously, liquidity could harvest cheap assets of the US dollar tide, but this wave of interest rate hikes harvested nothing.