How did the strong come through?

1. The time when you were living a life worse than death is always the time that can make you stronger. That is the process of watching yourself being torn apart and then reassembling yourself with your own hands.

2. From the time you no longer rely on emotions, no longer believe in morality, and no longer recognize equality, your heart will be truly strong.

3. All rich people must go through twists and turns, and those who have a smooth life must have done nothing. No one knows how dark the road you walked was, they will only say lightly that you have changed a lot.

4. Don't be too serious, many things have no answers, they are all muddled accounts, and being too serious will do nothing except making yourself exhausted.

5. Understand that if you don't suffer, you won't have much fortune, and if you don't suffer, you won't have wisdom.

6. People and trees are similar. The more you yearn for the sunshine above, the more your roots will extend to the dark underground.

7. Facing human nature, treading on thin ice, taking every step with difficulty, accepting calmly, and not being sad or happy are the whole process of growing up.

8. Understand the importance of money. After all, there is only one disease, and that is poverty. The best medicine in the world is money and resources.

9. Be patient. The results you want to get when you are anxious and noisy are far less thoughtful than what God has arranged. Everything comes and goes in time. #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #热门推荐