Lex Fridman, a researcher at MIT and host of his own podcast, argued that Satoshi Nakamoto should receive the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences after the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the prize's winners. Among them is Ben Bernanke, who was chairman of the Fed from 2006 to 2014.

The response to this award committee announcement by crypto-twitter was that an award is being given to whoever in 2008 printed money to save banks from the crisis they themselves caused, and that the award should definitely be for Satoshi Nakamoto for his contribution to humanity by creating a tool like Bitcoin.

This discussion was joined by users who argue that Nakamoto should not receive the award, since it is not the way to honor him since the Nobel Prizes are a "fiduciary construction used to perpetuate the current financial system."

Users also appeared who not only nominated Satoshi for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, but also for the Nobel Peace Prize, for his contribution to humanity.

Undoubtedly, the invention of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin, is a tool driven by a completely revolutionary technology that offers us the possibility of owning our money digitally, without intermediaries and without the possibility of being censored. It is also money that does not depend on a state or economic policy, which makes it different from managing and owning our money only in cash.

Faced with this revolution, it is completely to be expected that the economic establishment will resist encouraging its use and much more, to reward its creator. In any case, we see how little by little, the retail public is increasingly incorporating this technology into their lives, gradually forcing large companies to change their focus, such as Google for example, which will soon accept some of their payments in crypto.

Do you think Satoshi should be a candidate for a Nobel Prize, even though his real identity is not known? Or is receiving a Nobel prize not the way to honor it?