1. Market size and growth rate

According to Technavio's latest report, the size of the global blockchain game market is expected to increase by $43.45 billion between 2024 and 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of about 58.51%. This data shows that the blockchain game market is experiencing rapid growth and will continue to expand in the next few years.

The average daily transaction volume of the blockchain game market has reached 8.6 million, and the average daily active users have exceeded 3 million, showing the high activity of the market and high user participation.

2. Technology-driven and innovation

As blockchain technology continues to mature, the application of smart contracts, distributed ledgers and other technologies provides a more secure, transparent and efficient operating environment for blockchain games. These technical features give blockchain games significant advantages in terms of digital asset rights confirmation and in-game economic systems.

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has also brought more innovative possibilities to blockchain games. AI technology can improve the realism and immersion of game images, providing players with a richer gaming experience.

3. Market trends and characteristics

The blockchain game market is experiencing rapid growth from low value to high value. From the initial market size of hundreds of millions of dollars to the current market size of billions of dollars, the blockchain game market has shown strong growth potential.

The success of the blockchain game market is due to the players’ deepening understanding of digital asset ownership. This understanding has prompted more players to participate in blockchain games, driving the continued growth of the market.

Blockchain games also show a trend of integration with traditional games. Traditional game companies have begun to actively explore integrating Web 3 functions into their game ecosystems, which will bring more potential audiences and growth opportunities to the blockchain game market.

4. CXTAI-Track Legend blockchain game will be launched globally on August 8

CXTAI, the leading WEB3+AI+Gamefi encrypted entertainment aggregation platform, aims to use BNB Smart Chain as the underlying layer, upgrade the entire game ecosystem with blockchain technology, and create a new world of blockchain games in the metaverse. Our positioning goes beyond the traditional gaming experience and uses AI to explore the margins of the future world, especially in the frontier field of the metaverse. CXTAI has made breakthroughs in GPU computing power, and through the optimization of algorithms and model structures, it has achieved efficient data processing and reasoning capabilities to support the operation of large-scale AI applications. By integrating Gamefi (game finance) and X (representing the vast metaverse space of the future), CXTAI is committed to opening up a new dimension that can both entertain and achieve value growth, using NFT as a link to ensure the seamless integration of entertainment experience and economic value.