Trading type: SOL

Trading level: one-hour trend line segment

In the past 7 days, the transaction volume of Solana chain DEX has surpassed Ethereum, reaching 12.006 billion US dollars , SOL's user activity has been stronger than Ethereum recently, and the performance of the entire ecological sector is very strong. There must be a callback after the rise. This is not only the law of nature, but also the law of the market~

Figure 1 and Figure 2: Figure 1 and Figure 2 in the figure below are the questions and answers about trading products asked by students in the second Rocket Class Pro class on July 28. SOL's one-hour trend is accurately deduced to the new high after the shock and then began to pull back in the opposite direction. This is the charm of learning the Chaos Theory trading system~

Figure 3 and Figure 4: This is the question-and-answer session in the Rocket Class Pro class. The teaching content is not only theoretical knowledge, but more practical trading. Only talking about it on paper and not practicing it can only be a waste of time. The combination of theory and practice can make you invincible~

Trading suggestions: Refer to Figure 2 for the structure of SOL's one-hour trend chart. After a one-hour downward bottom shock repair pattern, there will be a rebound. Risk control needs to be done well in rebounding. The risk control position is around 130~

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