$NOT The **Relative Strength Index (RSI)** is a popular indicator for **cryptocurrency trading**. It measures **momentum**, **cryptocurrency price** (based on closing price), and **speed of price movement**. Here are some tips on how to use RSI:

1. **Identify price trends**:

- When the RSI is **below 30%**, the market is **oversold**.

- When the RSI is **above 70%**, the market is **overbought**.

2. **Calculate RSI**:

- RSI is calculated based on the last **14 candles** (periods).

- The formula is: $$ RSI = 100 \left[1 - \frac{1}{1 + RS}\right] $$

- Where:

- RS = **Average Gain / Average Loss**

- Average Earning = Sum of earnings per period

- Average Loss = Sum of losses per period

3. **Use RSI to time the market**:

- When RSI is **overbought**, consider waiting for a **bearish reversal**.

- When the RSI is **oversold**, consider waiting for a **bullish reversal**. 🚀 #NotcoinđŸ‘€đŸ”„