Trump's address crypto assets have shrunk significantly, and the value of holdings has fallen below $7 million

According to the latest data, the value of crypto assets held by former US President Donald Trump has fallen below $7 million, currently down to $6,387,138.53, down about 80% from the high of about $31 million in early June. The current main holdings of this address include:

TROG: 210.345 billion, worth about $456,000TRUMP: 579,290, worth about $2.71 millionETH: 492,449, worth about $1.47 millionWETH: 377,415, worth about $1.13 million

The sharp decline in Trump's holdings reflects the volatility of the market and the high-risk nature of crypto assets. Investors should pay close attention to changes in large holding addresses to cope with potential market fluctuations.

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