🚹 The Most Ridiculous Crypto Fraudsters: How They Stole $5 Billion and How They Got Caught

🚔 In 2022, US law enforcement agencies detained Ilya Lichtenstein and his wife Heather Morgan, accusing them of laundering cryptocurrency stolen from the Bitfinex exchange in 2016. More than 119,000 bitcoins were stolen at that time. The FBI confiscated 94,000 bitcoins from the couple, the value of which at the time of the theft was $70 million, but now exceeds $7 billion!

🔍 Lichtenstein was linked to data on the movement of funds, as well as his activity on exchanges under fictitious names. The couple spent money on purchases at Walmart, rides with Uber, and PlayStation games. The FBI tracked them down when Lichtenstein uploaded data containing his wallet address to the cloud.

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