Saturday, 8.3, weekly review, this week’s layout has extraordinary results

The king creates classics, and the strong create myths. Success is no accident. In this world full of competition and challenges, there are always some people who can stand out. Chive Flower will become the king that attracts everyone's attention and create immortal classics. However, this is by no means an accidental favor of fate, but stems from the strong inner strength and unremitting efforts that lead everyone to glory.

The market this week basically has a weak downward structure. The market went higher at the beginning of the week. On Monday, we were bullish and absorbed the gains of the day. On Tuesday, the market began to fall. We also changed our thinking and were bearish all the way up to this point. The market was also quite cooperative. The market has reached the 70,000 mark since the beginning of the week. After that, it went down all the way, and the current lowest level is 60,500. Betting on the short side has been very rewarding. All the right ideas this week! The only flaw is that there were small mistakes during participation, but it did not affect our overall gains.

A total of 3,455 points were collected from the five orders of big cakes on Monday, and 221 points were collected from bamboo shoots.

On Monday, the four orders of Ether closed a total of 154 points.

On Tuesday, the three big orders received a total of 2531 points, and Ether closed 100 points.

On Wednesday, the two orders of Big Pie closed a total of 1477 points, and Ether closed 76 points.

The six big orders on Thursday received a total of 5632 points, and Ether closed 242 points.

On Friday, the four big orders received a total of 5182 points, and Ether closed 402 points.

In this week's 10,000-point market, we participated in 24 orders and got a total of 18,277 points, including 221 points. A total of 884 points were obtained in the Ether 20 orders. The ideas were all right, and he basically became a god directly. I believe there will definitely be friends who have doubts. This is not an exaggeration. Every day’s ideas are published online in advance. You are welcome to check them out! Don't squirt as soon as you come up, otherwise it's easy to hit yourself in the face

Many people ask me what to do next and how to do it. Let me tell you that people in the currency circle place orders with their hands rather than with words. God of the pinnacle, come close to me and warm you! Big market, big rhythm! Takeoff is instantaneous. #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC #比特币大会 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH $BNB