#美联储何时降息? #AMB #TIA #ENA
Overall, the Ethereum series is still too weak! From the spot marks that have been ambushed in the past two days, we can find that:
AMB has been very strong since it was recommended the day before yesterday. It has been trading sideways after a 20% increase, and there is a trend of continued upward movement!
TIA was also given the price of getting on the train after it was recommended the day before yesterday. There was no increase, but it did not fall much either. It was still fluctuating a little above the given range of getting on the train!
ENA fell 10% with Ethereum in the evening after recommending the spot yesterday. I can only say that the Ethereum series is really rubbish! ! !
The current contract is not easy to do, and it is harvested back and forth. As I said yesterday, the spot can really be hoarded!