Everyone one wants to be a trader but the question is, what defines you as a trader. In real life , what people know is buy low and sell high with physical products and make profit. But the Financial market seems to be the same but its a technological tool, manipulated by news ,institutions ,a group or others ,etc. which you trade against them, it takes a lot of hard work ,a study such as getting your emotions,strategy,technical analysis,risk management all together to get to the top. It’s about being smart.

To be ready for the financial markets ,you have to define yourself, or be a type in the game . Are you a day trader, swing trader, technical trader etc. what works or doesn’t work for you . You need to set up your mind ,be determined to learn , be ready to loose and win. Never think its get rich quick.

But with patience you will be successful.

Follow,Like,share and comment “Let’s go” so i guide you to be on your own and make your own informed decisions and also bring you series of fundamental Support and Resistance which all top traders use.



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