#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #大的要来啦 #美联储何时降息?

Friends who follow my articles and chats know that the current situation is a step-by-step correction, and breaking 60,000 is just a matter of seconds. Therefore, whether the retracement can be reasonably and effectively controlled during the decline is a huge threshold for the advancement of trading!

When it comes to “how to control retracement”, the predecessors may say: “Watch more and do less”, “Do more when the market is good, do less or nothing when the market is bad”, “Learn to wait with empty positions”, etc. Everyone is familiar with them, but because everyone’s understanding ability, execution ability, perception ability, model method, pursuit direction, etc. are different, most of them eventually go from being familiar to going in one ear and out the other.

When it finally came to this, looking back, I realized that what the predecessors said was all truth, but it was too late at the time.
Chat about your thoughts (only for ultra-short direction)

1. Dare to cut losses!
Buy today and sell tomorrow. Solve the obsession with individual coins.
No matter how optimistic you are about the coin, if you buy it and it is not profitable the next day, you should cut it off. If you can stick to this principle, you will not be trapped in a big loss. If the closing price is still in the red the next day after buying, and the account is losing money, you must cut it off. If you are more cautious, you should consider whether to pull out the knife when the four-hour closing is over.
You may be worried that after you cut off your position, the price will go up again. There are many cases where the price has gone up again. Yes, this is a temptation of trading, a big trap! What we need to do is to maintain the consistency of trading and completely control the loss.
Your doubts and worries are the stumbling blocks that prevent you from completely controlling your losses.
Of course, experts buy and sell based on expectations. Before reaching that step, you must not rush for success. If you haven't learned to walk, you will inevitably fall and get a bloody head if you rush to run. Once you are proficient in walking and walk fast, you will naturally be able to run.
You don't rely on making 100% profit on every coin, but on making a 10% monthly profit easily by trading 100 coins.

2. Establish a trading model that suits you and make fewer invalid transactions.
You should read this sentence several times. Your mother-in-law will test you on it. It's a cliché, but it's very important.
The most important thing is not to copy others, but to summarize what suits you based on your own personality traits.

3. Get to know yourself again.
The biggest enemy is yourself. Greed, anger, ignorance, doubt and arrogance. Conquer your inner demons, fight with yourself, and reflect on yourself every day. Face your account directly, and summarize your operations and your thoughts every day. Why buy/sell? At what point? What changes in your mind? What are the good and bad things you do? How to improve? What are the areas where you don’t understand enough? What inner demons have appeared again? Slowly achieve unity of knowledge and action.

As I said, choice is more important than hard work. In this era of internal competition, there is never a shortage of hard-working people. Leave professional matters to professionals, and success is just around the corner. I wish you a smooth journey in exploring coins, and let’s get rich together!