Brothers, pay attention!!! The opportunity for a counterattack is coming!

At present, BTC's intraday lowest point has reached around 63,580. The key to its future trend lies in whether it can fall to $60,000 or below around the 5th of this month. If BTC fails to fall below the July lowest point of $53,000 this month, the market will usher in a strong counterattack from late August to early September.

🔹 Historical trend:

From March to July, BTC fell below $60,000 every month, but then rebounded strongly to $70,000. Currently, multi-party funds are pouring in around the key position of $50,000, indicating that the bottom of the dealer's market smash is in this area.

🔹 Opportunities for altcoins:

Altcoins have fallen to the bottom, and once a large amount of long funds flow into the market, it will usher in a frenzy.

🔹 Strategic suggestions:

Especially from September to November, it will be the craziest stage of the market. At this time, betting on the leading currency may get rich returns.

Stay tuned, we will continue to provide you with the latest market trends and professional analysis to help you seize investment opportunities!

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