LostDogs (Game from Notcoin)🎼- click no need:

- start the game
- daily choose 1 of 3 cards - popular, average or unpopular.

- $NOT - used to exchange for additional BONES
- BONES - used for voting for a certain card
- $WOOF - the main token, which will be credited to your wallet at the end of the game.

Win - if you guess a card by the right criteria:

- all spent NOT for the round are refunded
- 90% of the fund is distributed among those who spent NOT in the round
- 10% is distributed to all winners
- the more NOT spent in the round, the more WOOF will be awarded for winning.

WOOF Boost - if you are going to participate in the game, you should enter daily.

- WOOF multiplier increases every day, allowing you to get more tokens