🔥Today I will expose a scam community on Telegram: 👇🏻
Recently, there are more and more scam groups on Telegram. Many friends should have experienced it. They are inexplicably pulled into some scam groups. There are so-called arbitrage, wool-pulling, and order-leading groups. They are all very hateful.
There is a scam community called [Yunxiao Community]. I was inexplicably pulled into it today. They will let you enter the internal VIP community to experience a few orders, and then say that you can follow orders on the same platform. In fact, it is a swindle exchange.
My friend was fooled and went to a swindle exchange called bigex. He transferred u from Binance to it. As a result, after making a few orders, u could not be transferred out. The platform used the excuse that it was a black u. It was really unscrupulous...