#op走势 OP In-depth analysis of today’s market:

Under the current market environment, the system clearly marked a purple dot signal within the 1-hour time frame. This signal serves as a significant buying opportunity for the short side and strongly indicates that the market trend may maintain a downward trend. Given this, we strategically recommend actively deploying short positions around the red dots (i.e., potential further confirmed short entries) to capture potential gains on the market's downside.

The target profit range should focus on the two key price levels of 1.5041 to 1.4519. The theoretical maximum profit space within this range can reach 6.91%, providing investors with relatively considerable profit expectations. At the same time, in order to effectively control risks, we recommend that the stop loss level be accurately set near the previous high of 1.6527 to ensure that potential losses can be quickly and effectively limited when the market trend goes against expectations.

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