《Unemployment benefit data has been released----Warming the market》

The market in the past two days is really wearing out people's mentality. It is obviously good news, but it did not rise but fell, leaving many people trapped in long orders.

The previous value of the number of initial jobless claims in the United States that week was 23.5, the market expected value was 23.6, and the announced value was 24.9

Finally, there is a little warmth. At present, the market has temporarily stopped falling, bringing a little warmth to the friends who are trapped, and also relieved. In the future, you must remember to eat and not to fight. When important news is announced, you must be cautious in opening orders.

Tucker has been reminding us a few days ago that no matter whether the data is good or bad, there will be pins, and it is not easy to do long and short. Now you look back, our entry price is not much different from the current price, and some are still profitable.

Now wait patiently for the announcement of the unemployment rate and non-agricultural at 8:30 tomorrow night, continue to pay attention to Tucker, and post to fans and friends as soon as the news comes out.

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