🌟 Russia opens ban on cryptocurrencies: A new era of global asset trading has officially begun?

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts, here are the latest developments! 🌟 Russia passed two major bills yesterday to give cryptocurrency a fair name, which is big news!

🏭 Bill 1: Russia agrees to open up cryptocurrency mining in its territory, announcing that mining activities will be completely legal from November 1, 2024. Remember that not long ago, Russia also banned Bitcoin mining, but now it has made a 180-degree turn, reopening and requiring all mining income to be declared.

💼 Bill 2: Even more impressive is that Russia allows companies authorized by the central bank to use digital currencies for cross-border settlement and foreign exchange transactions. This means that from September 1 this year, Russia will officially use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for international trade.

🔄 The passage of these two bills marks that Russia will not only give cryptocurrency a fair name domestically, but also use them as a medium of exchange on the international stage. This is not only an affirmation of the legitimacy of cryptocurrency, but also a sign that cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly important in the global financial system.

🤔 It is believed that this move by Russia could trigger a global chain reaction, prompting other countries to reconsider their stance on cryptocurrencies. This is not only a shot in the arm for the cryptocurrency market, but also a strong proof of Bitcoin's future potential.

💬 So, the question is: what do you think of these two new Russian bills? What far-reaching impact will this have on the global cryptocurrency market? Share your thoughts in the comments section, and let's discuss this potentially game-changing move together!

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